Attention: As of 08/06/18, all City Owned Parks in the City of Barnwell are Tobacco-free. Signs are posted at all park entrances. To see the Tobacco-free Policy approved by the City Council, please click here.
Park Reservations must be paid in Cash, Debit or by Credit Card at City Hall. We currently do not accept on-line payments for park reservations. Starting January 1, 2024 Park Reservation Fees will increase to $50 for a half day rental and $100 for a full day rental.
Collins Park
486 Main Street.

Darnell Park
192 Hagood Ave.

Fuller Park
9987 Dunbarton Blvd.

Jack Phillips Park
17 Gallilee Road

Kilkenny Park
Corner of Wellington Rd. and Jackson St.

Lemon Park
123 Park St.

Lemon Park Sports Complex encompasses an area of 16+ acres. The complex includes four 200-foot fields in a clover-leaf design surrounding a Press Box/Concession Stand and a multi-purpose field which may be split into smaller fields for soccer or football, a 300-foot baseball field with Press Box, a tee-ball field, figure 8 walking path and 2 playgrounds. New for 2023, Lemon Park is equipped with security cameras at several locations throughout the park and also has free WIFI accessibility.
Please see the page on Lemon Park.
**Fuller Park Pavilion is reserved for the Barnwell Farmers Market every Tuesday from 8:00am—2:00pm, every Thursday from 3:00pm—8:00pm and the 4th Saturday of each month from 8:00am—2:00pm for the months of May through October.